Monday, June 8, 2015


The sands crumble neath my feet,
The distant dunes my only repose,
Dancing around me the grains mock
Each shard, a memory time forgot,
They shimmer and glow of a pride past prime
That swallows one whole, in seduction sublime
Of grandeur long since without glimmer
Of a long forgotten cool winter.

In retrospect i yearn to seek
a time beyond my life so meek.
Past, present and future meet
as these grains scratch and wound my naked feet.
and in the distance the oasis glows
with a falsehood that only mankind knows
for when i reach her, the mirage fades
and i look back as my feet once again though sand it wades
In retrospect i see my journeys naught
for in this maelstrom i have been caught

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Broken- I watch the sun as she sets, the distant fire extinguished in the iridescent horizon,
Mute- to what i witness, the torn landscape unfurls in anguished agony, 
Agape- at the worlds silence to the distant cries- dreams become real
Jaded- these dreams of innocence lost and circumstance cruel
Shattered- as i hold the pieces of me flying towards the yonder fire….

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The waves, lashing and whispering across the silent wind. The lights dim flickering in tune with the crescendo of hushed silence. My heart beats aflutter for the first time in what feels like an eternity. The world seemed like it was slowing down, to a heartbeat, the gentle breeze from the beating of the wings of the butterfly seemed to kiss upon my brow.
I saw what I wanted to see, and truth, reality and dreams intertwined- I traveled back in time to a happier place, a places that was devoid of the complexities of todays times. The tendrils of dark precipices threatened to invade, but the eyes focussed, and wanted the moment to be just the way it was. 
The flavour, I could taste the moment- I was in a space i wanted to escape to, the moment became the place i could escape to- to escape from the dredges of the mundane everyday life. I realized, that romance exists, insipid as it may be, and purposeless as it may sound, we need those moments of escapade to carry on with the nothingness that we fill our lives with. 
The flickering lights and the gentle shift of her auburn hair, and forlorn looks into the unknown, I saw the moment as i wanted to see- the world had come to a crawl, nothing seemed important any more, nothing except the savour the moment. Love and romance have died, innocence has been lost and we all grow up faster than we ought to. but maybe, in that fleeting moment, just as how a the dragonfly breaks free from her watery cage of youth, and for those brief moments of what seems like a life time for her, but a few days to me- the world seemed so much a better place than i make it to seem. to that person who made it possible, all i can say is thank you- for the my moment of escape for an evening that brought out the best in me for you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Sordid sullen sinewy snares 
darkness clouds upon my brow
murky mirth mirrored mire
i sink into its hallowed halls
no more broken hearts
no more eroded souls
battle eternal with want, hate, love and lust
my hands weep, my eyes cling,
and my heart skips,
wake me not from this iridescent darkness
let the gloaming sunlight  vanish 
and let the darkness wash away 
these insipid purposeless pipe dreams
of more broken hearts
of more eroded souls
sleep now, and wake never more
into dreamless slumber 
sordid sullen sinewy snares
dark clouds upon my brow

Friday, September 2, 2011

Surreal Music Videos

Going to start off  series of a list of my favorite music videos that have struck a chord at some level- mostly on the surreal-
to kick it off, one of my favorite videos- cocorosie's "Lemonade"

Monday, June 20, 2011

sans titre

The summer sun shines soberly,
Sharp Shadows shimmer solemnly,
Solitude sharply sweltering,
Sweat streams staining
Sobriety's Sweet scent;

La Mienne

The passing sounds of cars echo through the empty halls, resonating- the path before is daunting, replete with forks and bends. Each passing minute lingers on like the morning dew on rose buds: behind me I hear sounds of the past beckoning me. Society calls, egging me on to choose.. I recall the simple nature of my childhood; books scattered, empty torn pages of prose and poems that defined each days passing. I seemed to live for others, fearing the scorn of friends upon non conformity to their rules. Solitude with each passing frame, is a welcome breath of air: to hide away into the void of anonymity. Do I seek recognition? I am glad to realise that it is not the case, for why would I want to be the object of society's obtuse scales of judgement. Public mouring they say, obsessive they called, strange- are we all mourning for each passing wake of life, trying to be something that we are not? The realisation that we are foolishly wading through the swamp and derelict waste that threatens to engulf us, is but a fleeting moment of relief. The dust settles, and yet, in a dark corner, I seem to await the knocking gables of acceptance and the open arms of friends. Upon this new found darkess that seemingly guides me, I welcome you with arms wide stretched. I seek nothingness... I seek the void, the tiny pocket universe within which I could just be ME...