Monday, June 8, 2015


The sands crumble neath my feet,
The distant dunes my only repose,
Dancing around me the grains mock
Each shard, a memory time forgot,
They shimmer and glow of a pride past prime
That swallows one whole, in seduction sublime
Of grandeur long since without glimmer
Of a long forgotten cool winter.

In retrospect i yearn to seek
a time beyond my life so meek.
Past, present and future meet
as these grains scratch and wound my naked feet.
and in the distance the oasis glows
with a falsehood that only mankind knows
for when i reach her, the mirage fades
and i look back as my feet once again though sand it wades
In retrospect i see my journeys naught
for in this maelstrom i have been caught

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