Darkness fell and with it came the loss of reality.. life as knew it came to an end- the nature of its timing debatable, as this isn’t about the loss of life or consciousness- rather the temporal nature of death and life itself... is life a distorted cacophony of what our brain in a steady temporal stream wants to create? And in this misconstrued maligned melange of reality and otherwise flowing along space-time we populate, worrying about the day we would eventually die.
But is death merely another state of existence? In an alternate reality where space and time don’t confine the bounds of human imagination. Where ethics and where society cease to exist and freedom reigns...
Or are we stuck in a constant cycle of events –a time loop from which we can never get out... where we are immortal in the normal sense of the word but in reality slip between the fringes of mortality and immortality forging our own imperfections as gods creating worlds that we slip into every now and then .... what are we,, what is human?
Humans... we fragile imperfect manifestations of our own livid dreams... do we exist in time or are we but merely manifestations of our own imaginations... the creators and destroyers...
And in this debacle of a short temporal continuum of a few decades of existence which may be constantly nested in a never-ending loop of epic proportions, we fill and contaminate our petty reality with war famine drought hatred and greed...
Humans.... we imperfect parasites that are immortal.....
Humans.... sentient superficial sociopaths....
Humans... the creators and the destroyers
Humans.... gods and architects of our own microcosmic myopic misery
Deus ex machine... humans.....
Our own reality forged imperfectly hoping death to be an escape into an altered state... what is hell or what is heaven.... mere constructs of our own misbegotten existence.. which we putrify with lies and deceit with nicities and nurture... with war and death...
Oh for a release into the state of euphoria where normality doesn’t affect, where mediocrity is embraced and genius shunned....
Where we fill our lives with imperfect technicolour dreams.... of darkness and of nothiness....
The coming darkness engulfs me and uselessly i struggle to hold on to the little dredge of reality before slipping into the atemporal stream of unlife, where our actions are bound not by pity and petty morals... deus ex machine....death...darkness...the slipping from one reality into an other... into a continuous state of awakening...
Into a continual loop of mortality and immortality from which we may never escape from... into a stream of consciousness that becomes part of what surrounds us....
And darkness fell and from this i awake no more.....