Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cat on the Wall

Upon a wall, sat,
A cat as black as can be
Eyes yellow swollen with lust
His tail swaying in distrust…
Looking left,
Looking right,
He sat up
Fur spiked in fright
For, on one side he saw
Darkness as deep as hells maw
Deep as the dark night
Nothing could he see try as he might….
The other was not any prettier
For saw he, to his right,
A world that was white
Looking left
Looking right
With a smug sagacious smile
I’ll stay over here awhile
Though he, his tail wriggling in delight
Why choose thought he
To live in a world needlessly
Its better to be after all
Forever this cat on the wall
Smug sagacious smile intact
He danced oh so very well,

As sudden as the night...
Missed he a step and then he fell….
Smug sagacious smile intact
Looking right looking left….